The opinion of respected crypto experts and technical-based analysis combined predict that the crypto asset of Ethereum has the potential to reach anywhere between $4,000 to over $6,400 between now and the year 2025. To avoid missing out on potential upcoming price surges in the cryptocurrency market, check out our easy-to-follow article on how to buy Ethereum.

“There is nothing that Bitcoin can do which Ethereum can’t. While Ethereum is less battle-tested, it is moving faster, has better leadership, and has more developer mindshare.”

– Fred Ehrsam

Ethereum news

As of 2021, there are over 4,000 different cryptocurrencies in existence. At the top of the chain of this immense number of digital currencies are Bitcoin and Ethereum. Most new traders are introduced to crypto through Bitcoin and the incredible gains it has seen for those who invested at the right time. Ethereum, however, has seen equally impressive growth alongside Bitcoin. 

When investing in crypto, it’s vital to diversity your portfolio and not put all of your eggs in one basket so to speak. If you’re investing in Bitcoin, it’s a good idea to invest in others too. The second most powerful cryptocurrency of Ethereum could be a good choice, our Ethereum price prediction aims to discover just how much.

Ethereum is currently priced around $2,532 per coin, but what will the price be like a few weeks or years down the line? It’s a question asked by cryptocurrency enthusiasts around the world whether they’re beginners or veteran traders. Whilst accurately predicting the crypto forecast is nigh on impossible, there are several factors we can look at to get a fairly accurate Ethereum price prediction and an insight into what’s potentially in store.

The following Ethereum price prediction aims to show you how the ETH price could potentially develop in the future. Our forecast utilizes a wide range of critical factors to bring you the most accurate price prediction possible, such as:

  • Price history
  • The latest legislation 
  • Prediction strategies 
  • Expert analysis

But what does the investment future hold for those who get on board early enough with Ethereum? Will it rise once again? Our Ethereum price prediction aims to answer all. But first, let’s start with just what it actually is and how it works. 

What is Ethereum?

What is Ethereum?

Created by Vitalik Buterin and released in 2015, Ethereum is an open-source public blockchain that gives people the ability to build on the blockchain. It can also be used as a digital currency which brings up the question: what’s the difference between Ethereum and Ether?

There’s Ethereum and then there is Ether, these are two different things and it’s important to distinguish the difference between the two. Not dissimilar to Bitcoin, Ether is a form of Cryptocurrency and, after Bitcoin, is the second-largest by market capitalization. Ethereum, on the other hand, is the Blockchain technology behind it and is the most actively used blockchain.

Bitcoin and Ether have many similar characteristics. They’re both digital currencies that can be used to make transactions and both can be invested by buying coins. When it comes to price, Ether is a lot cheaper than BTC and provides a better chance for traders to get in early without exposing themselves to the same risk as other cryptocurrencies.

The massive potential of ETH and its past performance means there is a significant potential for it to see major growth and an increase in value. Experts and analysts across the crypto sphere have predicted that this innovative digital asset might reach up to $7,500+ in the space of four years.

But when will Ethereum see such gains? Our ETH price prediction will assist potential investors in finding answers to the question of how high the price of this well-established digital asset can go and when. But first, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of Ethereum.

Pros and cons of Ethereum

Like any cryptocurrency, Ethereum has its fair share of incredible pros and limiting cons. We always aim for transparency in our articles. So in this section, we’re going to cover some of the most important pros and cons of Ethereum.

✔️ More affordable than BTC and thus lower risk.❌ Gas fees and slow speeds pose a scalability issue for the Ethereum network.
✔️ Ethereum has high levels of security, acceptance, and authenticity across the crypto sphere.❌ A large chunk of circulating ETH is owned by just 400 people. This owner distribution issue can lead to price manipulation.
✔️ Ethereum is able to support smart contracts, dApps, and DeFi projects.❌ The programing language of Solidity used by Ethereum is not easy or beginner-friendly.

Frequently asked questions about Ethereum 

Before we get into the price prediction, next we’ll cover some frequently asked questions about Ethereum to give you a better understanding of this long-running digital asset and its price potential. 

What makes Ethereum different from Bitcoin?

Bitcoin and Ethereum are both cryptocurrencies that run on the same blockchain technology to enable them to operate as a decentralized digital asset not under the control of a single person or entity. The difference is their purpose. The main role of BTC is to be used as a store of value, similar to digital gold. Ethereum, on the other hand, aims to decentralize various types of applications and services ranging from social media networks to complex financial agreements.

What makes an Ethereum app different than a conventional one?

From fitness to translation on the go, apps have changed our lives enormously. With decentralized applications, the function is the same but the backend function is much more innovative. Ethereum apps are decentralized, meaning control of the data in these types of services is returned to its owner.

What does the future hold for Ethereum?

Whilst Ethereum is host to a wide range of advantages, there is a valid criticism of the technology. A lot of it is centered around the scalability issues that ETH faces. This is a major obstacle to Ethereum becoming a ‘’world computer’’ that has the ability to compete with centralized platforms like Google. However, late 2021 will hopefully see the release of Ethereum 2.0 that aims to address these scaling issues and potentially result in the price of Ethereum skyrocketing.

Will Ethereum reach $10,000?

Currently priced around $2,500 dollars per ETH, many investors are keen to know if it can reach $10,000. Long-term price predictions suggest that not only can Ethereum reach 10,000 dollars, but it will also reach prices well above that in the future after breaking above its previous all-time high.

Ethereum Price History

Ethereum Price History

Since it was released in 2015, Ethereum’s short history means it lacks the price history that Bitcoin does. Unlike BTC, the supply of Ethereum isn’t hard-capped and additional Ethereum can be created. Now we’ll delve into the price history of Ethereum to gain an insight into the potential prices this technology can reach.

In 2020, an Ethereum price drop occurred alongside most other cryptocurrencies. However, many institutional investors, retail investor accounts and novice traders saw an opportunity and speculated on a positive Ethereum prediction. Their price predictions came true in 2021 when the Ethereum price entered a bull market and surged to all-time highs. The Ethereum price today is around a jaw-dropping $3,200.

Over the course of 2021, the Ethereum price chart continued to see continued price movement for a number of reasons. One of them was when a digital art piece was sold as the world’s most expensive NFT for an average price of 38,000 ETH. The other was a series of technological updates like the Berlin Update that aimed to reduce gas prices (transaction fees).

The other updates, Uniswap V3 and the London hard fork, were smart contract protocols that are expected to further optimize Ethereum trading, decrease transaction fees on the Ethereum ecosystem and expand the network’s scalability for creating decentralized apps. All of these updates have the potential to cause the price of Ethereum to see rapid growth, but what do the experts say, and do they think it will be a good investment for those who’ve invested capital?

Expert analysis of the Ethereum price potential

Expert analysis of the Ethereum price potential

One of the best tools we can use to try and determine the potential future price of Ethereum is to analyze the price predictions of various crypto experts. Let’s delve into four estimated growth outlooks from various industry experts and analysts to attempt to gain an insightful view into the Ethereum price predictions.

Digital Coin

Digitalcoin released a bullish Ethereum forecast that predicted the price will average $3,722 in 2021 and rise to $4,650 in 2022. Over the longer term, it projects the price will climb to an average of $8,047 in 2025.

Wallet Investor 

The Algorithm-based forecasting service Wallet Investor released Ethereum price predictions that predicted ETH will reach $2,949.99 at the end of 2021 following the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade whereas 2022 will see ETH reach $4,000. Over the long term, Wallet Investor was slightly more bullish than Digital Coin and predicted that Ethereum will be at $9,202.42 by the end of 2025.

Economic Forecast Agency

The Economic Forecast Agency projected a far more bearish Ethereum forecast over the long term, but bullish in the short term. Following the London hard fork, it predicts that the supply of the decentralized finance asset of ETH will hit $6,247 by the end of 2021 and an incredible $10,997 in October 2022. However, they then predict the price to gradually dip and expect it to fall to $7,863 by the end of December 2022, $6,624 at the end of 2023, and $4,118 by the end of 2024.

Long Forecast

Another slightly less bullish expert analysis on ETH is LongForecast. They released an Ethereum forecast that predicts the price of the decentralized finance asset of Ethereum in 2021 to drop to $1449 by the end of the year. In the following three years, they expect the price to rise to a maximum price of $3883 on the markets.

Overall, the expert opinion is positive on the price prediction of Ethereum. Over both the short and long term, this innovative technology has the potential to be a very wise investment for smart investors. But what does technical analysis tell us about the Ethereum price forecast?

Technical analysis of the Ethereum price potential

Technical analysis of the Ethereum price potential

Now we move onto technical analysis to try and predict the future price of Ethereum. This section will utilize powerful tools like the Japanese candlestick, price chart patterns, and trading indicators. As well as giving traders the upper hand in day trading, they can enable us to discover long-term price predictions based on pure technicals when we assess longer time frames.

Ethereum Price Prediction 2021 – 2022

Under a year ago at the beginning of 2021, the price of Ethereum was around $735.34 by the middle of the year the price skyrocketed by 244% to $2,532.49. By the end of 2021 and following the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, it’s predicted that the ETH price will be around $3,886 with a year-to-year change of +428%.

Ethereum Price Prediction 2022 – 2023

Starting 2022 at a predicted $3,886, it’s forecast that the price of Ethereum could rise to around $5,052 in the first half of 2022. By the end of the year, the price may see an increase of +144% on the current price as it finishes 2022 somewhere around $6,189.

Ethereum Price Prediction 2023 – 2024

Between 2023 and 2024, it’s predicted that Ethereum will start the year at $6,189, before seeing the price drop to somewhere around $5,474 within the first six months of the year. It’s possible that it will climb again and finished off the year at a slightly higher price than the previous year at $6,295. An increase of +149% on the current price.

Ethereum Price Prediction 2024 – 2025

After starting 2024 at $6,295, it’s believed that Ethereum could climb up to $6,883 sometimes in the first six months of the year. It will then drop to $6,496 towards the end of the year. An increase of +157% on the current price.

Ethereum Forecast Conclusion

The historic price of Ethereum has shown that it has the potential to reach highs seen only by the likes of BTC and a few other major cryptocurrencies. Overall, the experts believe that ETH is going up in the near future. Meaning smart traders who get in at the right time may see potentially serious gains in their profits. Especially with the upcoming Ethereum 2.0.

From high transaction fees to scalability obstacles, Ethereum ETH is not without its issues, but these are constantly being addressed. In addition, there are various upgrades in the pipeline such as Ethereum 2.0 that will see Ethereum’s supply decreased and possibly add to the likelihood of the price chart of the Ethereum blockchain and all the coins hosted by it reaching a maximum price not seen before.

“Whatever happens to bitcoin, other cryptocurrencies are gaining ground and more respect. Ethereum, for instance, has far more transparency.”

– Richard Quest

Whilst Bitcoin has gone on to reach a firm price of around $30,000+, Ethereum is still relatively affordable for new investors. At this price, buying 1 Ethereum is definitely possible and much less risky than investing in 1 whole Bitcoin. Now, if you’re curious about how to invest in Ethereum securely and safely, then we know the ideal crypto trading platform for you.

Where to buy or sell Ethereum?

ETH is available to buy and trade on eToro alongside 18 other cryptocurrencies. This is a well-established, highly regulated, and secure platform that has the potential to revolutionize your crypto journey. 

What’s more, is that eToro allows you to access their incredible array of investing tools such as the Stop Loss, Take Profit, and built-in charting software that all let you maximize your potential profits whilst ensuring safe trading practices that protect your hard-earned funds. Also, eToro offers Leverage Trading on ETH. This allows you to multiply small amounts to become large powerful positions that drive massive profits.

Overall, the financial situation, risk tolerance, critical level and investment strategy of each person vary. Only invest money you can afford to lose and balance out the risky nature of crypto investment by building a diversified portfolio.

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Disclaimer – This content is for informational purposes only and is not investment advice. The trading of Ethereum and other alternative cryptocurrencies has potential rewards, and it also has potential risks involved. As the coin’s price on the crypto market could drop significantly in the short term, an Ethereum investment may not be suitable for all people. An Ethereum prediction does not necessarily reflect the future. The crypto market is volatile and a bear market is just as likely as a bull run. Anyone wishing to make an investment should seek his or her own independent financial advice and do their own thorough research at the same time.

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